Re: germandbls monowidth small cap
Note that there is a Panose setting for monospaced. You should only use it if your font is truly monospaced all the time, though! MS Word at least used to apply a single advance width to all glyphs, …3 -
Re: germandbls monowidth small cap
You could use the cap eszett form. But should you? I would love to hear from native German designers about this option. On the one hand, I think it will look a zillion times better. On the other hand…1 -
Re: Laatz v. Zazzle
So, Laatz sued Zazzle. Zazzle made a counterclaim. Laatz made a motion to dismiss the counterclaim. The court has denied Laatz’ motion to dismiss. This court decision has a several interesting elemen…5 -
Re: DSType selling part of its collection to Monotype
There are some uses of AI in type design that I expect to see sooner than others. One obvious one would be to add specified characters to an existing font. For example, new currency symbols, or diacr…0 -
Re: ATypI Brisbane April 16-20, 2024
I will be there! Indeed, my spouse and I will be arriving a couple days beforehand.1